South Carolina Motorcycle events

Image above taken from the ABATE of SC website.

Sponsored by HOGWYLD and Lake Murray ABATE, the 11th Annual Freedom Ride takes place Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 11 a.m.

At noon, the group will leave the parking lot of Chaplin Bi-Lo off Highway 76, and there will be a police escort to the South Carolina State House to listen to special speakers on the Statehouse steps. After the speeches, the group will ride to Ray’s in Ballentine, SC for food and entertainment. Participants are requested to wear their red, white, and blue, and to bring any old cell phones and accessories to benefit Cell Phones for Soldiers.

ABATE of South Carolina, Inc. is the organization that protects motorcyclist’s rights in South Carolina. In June of 1980, ABATE members succeeded in protecting bikers’ freedom of choice when South Carolina’s mandatory helmet law was amended to allow adults to decide for themselves whether to wear helmets.

ABATE stands for A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments, and it defends liberty. It does not oppose safety devices, but it does oppose laws that mandate using these devices. According to its constitution, “the purpose of ABATE of South Carolina is to form a not-for-profit association at the state level to protect the rights and liberties of motorcyclists, and promote motorcycle awareness and voluntary motorcycle rider training.”

For more information, email, or call 803.351.2987. ABATE SC’s website is

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