A Happy Lowcountry Thanksgiving

On November 25, 2010, in Safety Tips, by admin

Charleston personal injury attorney

**Image to the left taken from Free Coloring Fun.

Thanksgiving is one of the Uricchio Law Firm team’s favorite times of year, when we can gather with close family and friends and share our thanks for all of the wonderful things we have in our lives. And we’re extremely thankful to celebrate such a superb day in the Lowcountry, where the autumn weather is gorgeous and perfect for some outdoor fun!

Here at Uricchio Law Firm, we’re extremely thankful for our friends, loved ones, and delightful clients and are so joyous to have you all in our lives. Thank you and we hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Some tips to keep in mind for a safe—and therefore happy—Thanksgiving:

  • Be responsible about drinking if you’re going to get into a vehicle.
  • Keep an eye on the stove and the oven while cooking to prevent house fires.
  • For those who are frying the turkey (a favorite in the Lowcountry), take proper precautions to ensure that you cook the turkey properly by researching, paying attention, and following trusted recipe directions.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

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