motorcycle accident lawyer

Some of my favorite rides happen right here in the Lowcountry. I love the landscapes and the relaxing atmosphere of the countryside and coastline. But there are times when I have to venture into urban areas, which has an effect on my mindset and driving. My mind is no longer clear and calm. Instead, I’m highly attentive to my surroundings and always on high alert with the hustle and bustle of big city life.

When you’re driving into the city on your motorcycle for the first time, it’s important to make a  proper transition in your mindset and know primary safety tips to prevent you from being involved in a motorcycle accident.

Below are a few tips for riding in the city:

Keep your distance: One of the best ways to avoid a motorcycle accident is by keeping a safe distance from other drivers. I usually stay a good 20 – 30 feet behind any vehicle to ensure that I have enough time to stop without causing the person behind me to ram into me.

Look out ahead: I always keep my eye on the vehicles in front of me (not just the vehicle immediately in front of me). Often times, the vehicle in front of you might not see that the traffic ahead has stopped and will slam on his or her breaks. This, in turn, requires you to slam on your breaks. To prevent this from occurring, always keep an eye on the first two vehicles in front of you. If you see the first vehicle breaking, you can start to tap your break to anticipate a stop before you have to screech to a halt.

Stand out: Many motorcycle accidents occur when drivers either don’t see a motorcyclist or do not understand a motorcyclist’s right of way. To prevent this, always wear bright colors, don’t drive in a vehicle’s blind-spot (if possible), and be extremely cautious when a vehicle is in close range. If you have the right of way, don’t just assume the driver knows this. Keep an eye out, go slow, and be ready to break or swerve.

And my final piece of advice is to be aware of all your surroundings, looking out for any potential hazards or signs that another driver might not be paying attention.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a South Carolina motorcycle accident, contact the Uricchio Law Firm to speak with one of our personal injury attorneys.

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