As Charleston motorcycle accident lawyers, we encourage our clients to resume riding as soon as they feel comfortable after an accident. It’s normal to be anxious or afraid of the bike after an injury, but the sooner you get back in the saddle, the sooner you put the motorcycle accident behind you. After helping many clients go back to riding, we’ve found a few tips that really help.
Put the accident or injury in perspective.
How long have you ridden without an injury or accident?
Thousands of miles? Tens of thousands of miles? More?
How many years have you ridden injury- and accident-free?
When you start thinking of your riding by the numbers, you’ll see that while the injury was a significant event at that point in time, in the grand scheme of things it’s not as significant as you thought it was.
Think about what you could have done differently, if anything.
Was the injury your fault, or someone else’s? If it was yours, think about what you could change to reduce your risk in the future. Usually one tweak will make a tremendous difference. If you were lane splitting, perhaps you’ll stop or do it only in specific circumstances. If you weren’t wearing a helmet, maybe now is the time to start.
And sometimes an accident is just that—an accident. Don’t let what happened in a single moment stop you from doing something you enjoy.
Consider a new level of protection and perhaps a safety class.
Helmets, leather, and other protective gear reduce your chances of injury, but are a choice only you can make. For some, this gear is uncomfortable, while others feel it hampers their movement or ability to ride. A safety class will increase your confidence and remind you that while biking can be dangerous, you do have some control over what happens to you.
Take it slow.
If you’re feeling nervous about riding, start easy. Ride on the back of someone else’s bike, or cruise around your neighborhood before taking your bike on the highway. Ride alone for a while before taking on passengers, or ride during periods of less traffic. You’ll build your confidence back in no time—just take your time and ease back into it.
Remember: the longer you stay off your bike, the harder it will be to get back on. Your bike is the same machine you happily rode before the injury, and it has many miles left on it.
Do what you love and enjoy your life—get back in the saddle and ride!
What are your thoughts and advice for getting back on a bike after a motorcycle injury?
International super-star designer Alexander McQueen should have done his homework before incorporating the infamous Hells Angels name and “Death Head” logo into his latest fashion line. Just eight days after the Hells Angels filed a lawsuit for violating its trademark, the club has reached a settlement with the fashion house and upscale retailer Saks Fifth Avenue and
**Image below taken from
**Image below taken from
The defendants have agreed to pull all the merchandise referencing the Hells Angels, including a knuckle-duster ring (retailing for $495) and a “Hells Angels Jacquard Box Dress” (retailing for $1,565). But it doesn’t stop there – the stores will also be required to recall any merchandise that has already been sold and destroy it.
It takes much more than cash to wear that logo!
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There are sections in the South Carolina Code of Laws that specifically address the rights and duties of bikers. While you can access these code sections by clicking here, over the next few weeks I will be tackling individual sections of these South Carolina laws here on my blog.
It’s important as a South Carolina biker to take into account motorcycle laws for your safety and for others on the road.
The first section of South Carolina law I am going to discuss is:
SECTION 56-5-3630. Manner in which motorcycles shall be operated.
(a) A person operating a motorcycle shall ride only upon the permanent and regular seat attached thereto and the operator shall not carry any other person nor shall any other person ride on a motorcycle unless the motorcycle is designed to carry more than one person, in which event a passenger may ride upon the permanent and regular seat if designed for two persons, or upon another seat firmly attached to the motorcycle at the rear or side of the operator.
Important: If your bike is NOT made to seat 2 people, your only other option to lawfully transport a passenger is to have a side-car.
(b) A person shall ride upon a motorcycle only while sitting astride the seat, facing forward, with one leg on each side of the motorcycle.
Let’s leave the stunts to the stuntmen.

Image taken from
(c) No person shall operate a motorcycle while carrying any package, bundle or other article which prevents him from keeping both hands on the handlebars.
There are those unfortunate times when you have no choice but to drive a car.
(d) No operator shall carry any person, nor shall any person ride, in a position that will interfere with the operation or control of the motorcycle or the view of the operator.
(e) No person riding upon a motorcycle shall attach himself or the motorcycle to any other vehicle on the roadway.
From personal experience, I think that when this happens it is NOT done on purpose!
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