I love watching motorcycle stunts (note that I didn’t say I love doing motorcycle stunts). I leave that to the professionals who actually perform stunts for a living. Below is a great video of a motorbike stunt rider. To prevent personal injury and a motorcycle accident, do not attempt to perform any of the actions performed in this video.
There are sections in the South Carolina Code of Laws that specifically address the rights and duties of bikers. While you can access these code sections by clicking here, over the next few weeks I will be tackling individual sections of these South Carolina laws here on my blog.
It’s important as a South Carolina biker to take into account motorcycle laws for your safety and for others on the road.
The first section of South Carolina law I am going to discuss is:
SECTION 56-5-3630. Manner in which motorcycles shall be operated.
(a) A person operating a motorcycle shall ride only upon the permanent and regular seat attached thereto and the operator shall not carry any other person nor shall any other person ride on a motorcycle unless the motorcycle is designed to carry more than one person, in which event a passenger may ride upon the permanent and regular seat if designed for two persons, or upon another seat firmly attached to the motorcycle at the rear or side of the operator.
Important: If your bike is NOT made to seat 2 people, your only other option to lawfully transport a passenger is to have a side-car.
(b) A person shall ride upon a motorcycle only while sitting astride the seat, facing forward, with one leg on each side of the motorcycle.
Let’s leave the stunts to the stuntmen.

Image taken from http://www.stuntlife.com/forums/motorcycle-pictures/files/1/1/0/9/1109mn_handstand_side_shot_skin_great-med.jpg
(c) No person shall operate a motorcycle while carrying any package, bundle or other article which prevents him from keeping both hands on the handlebars.
There are those unfortunate times when you have no choice but to drive a car.
(d) No operator shall carry any person, nor shall any person ride, in a position that will interfere with the operation or control of the motorcycle or the view of the operator.
(e) No person riding upon a motorcycle shall attach himself or the motorcycle to any other vehicle on the roadway.
From personal experience, I think that when this happens it is NOT done on purpose!
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